
Memory efficient array permutation in PHP 5.5 using generators

Generators support was introduced in PHP 5.5. The yield keyword is a really cool thing that allows to write an elegant and memory efficient code. It was existing in another dynamic languages like python for quite a long time and now it is in PHP as well! To demonstrate generators concept, i wrote a sample function that  yields  all permutations of the given array and avoids of data copying on recursive calls: function permute( $array ) { $length = sizeof( $array ); $inner = function ( $ix = []) use ( $array , $length , & $inner ) { $yield = sizeof( $ix ) == $length - 1 ; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $length ; $i ++) { if (in_array( $i , $ix )) { continue ; } elseif ( $yield ) { $toYield = []; foreach (array_merge( $ix , [ $i ]) as $index ) { $toYield [] = $array [ $index ]; } yield $toYield ; } el

Hackerrank "Is Fibo" challenge solution in Python 3

N is a fibonacci number if and only 5N^2 + 4 or 5N^2 – 4 is a perfect square number Solution in python 3: import math n = int(input()) for i in range(0,n): number = int(input()) if math.sqrt(5 * number ** 2 + 4).is_integer() or math.sqrt(5 * number ** 2 - 4).is_integer(): print("IsFibo") else: print("IsNotFibo") This solution has a complexity O(1) compared to simple solution by adding all numbers from 0 to N that has a O(n) complexity

Do not use service manager's get() function everywhere in Zend Framework 2

If some model or service is required only in the current scope, avoid usage of $sm->get() because your service will never be destroyed . Check reference count of the object that is created with $sm->get(): class CronController extends AbstractConsoleController { public function updateDomainsAction() { $updater = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Backend\Model\UrlsCoverageUpdater'); debug_zval_dump($updater); die; } } Refcount is 3: object(Backend\Model\UrlsCoverageUpdater)#643 (4) refcount(3){ ... ["doctrine":protected]=> object(Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager)#502 (10) refcount(2){ ... The reason of this behavior is that service manager saves service instance (similar to registry pattern). Any service requested via get() won't be destroyed until request end. Memory usage will constantly grow. Compare to direct instantiation: class CronController extends AbstractConsoleController { p

PHP extension development with Linux and Eclipse CDT. Developing basic extension with ext_skel

Before you start you should setup your developing environment. How to setup it is explained in one of my previous posts - My platform is Opensuse 12.2, PHP 5.3.22, Eclipse CDT 8.0.2. If you are experienced in other Linux environments you're welcome to add HOWTOs to the comments. To make extension development process easier to start PHP source code distribution has a nice ext_skel shell script. This script will build your extension skeleton, actually fully functional extension. It is located in /usr/src/packages/BUILD/php-5.X.X/ext directory. To build your new "helloworld" extension skeleton run: # cd /usr/src/packages/BUILD/php-5.3.22 #  ./ext_skel --extname=helloworld Creating directory helloworld Creating basic files: config.m4 config.w32 .svnignore helloworld.c php_helloworld.h CREDITS EXPERIMENTAL tests/001.phpt helloworld.php [done]. To use your new extension, you will have to exe

Jqgrid show totals in the footer plugin

This plug-in automatically calculates sum of the all numeric rows in your grid and displays it in the new "Totals" row at the bottom of the grid. jqgrid 4.3.2+ is required. (function($) { $.jgrid.extend({ showTotals: function(options) { var o = $.extend({ total: "Totals", totalRow: undefined, includeRows: [] }, options || {}) return this.each(function() { if (!this.grid) { return; } var self = this; var showTotals = function() { var totals = {}; $.each(self.p.colModel, function(index, data) { if (o.totalRow && o.totalRow == data.index) { totals[data.index] =; } else { var sum = NaN; if (

Zend Framework 2 model database adapter depedency injection

Typically most of the model classes depend on database adapter. First way to get database adapter instance is to request it via service manager every time you need it. Second, and more convenient one, is to let Zend\Di do all the magic for you. To achieve this you need to implement Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareInterface in your model class. Or write an abstract class that implements this interface and extend it with your model class and Zend\Di will inject database adapter dependency. Note: to make this work you should instantiate model classes via ServiceManager . How to setup a database adapter is explained in Getting Started with Zend Framework 2 . Abstract class example: <?php //module/<YOUR_MODULE>/src/<YOUR_MODULE>/Model/AbstractAdapterAware.php namespace <YOUR_MODULE>\Model; use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter; use Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterAwareInterface; abstract class AbstractAdapterAware implements AdapterAwareInterface { /** * Database instan

Zend Framework 2 AJAX: return JSON response from controller action. The proper way.

There is a lot of solutions over the web on how to return data on AJAX request in your Zend Framework 2 application. But none of them seems to be aware of the "right way" described in Zend Framework 2 manual - Implementation example: <?php namespace <YOUR_MODULE>\Controller; use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController; use Zend\Json\Json; class AjaxController extends AbstractActionController { public function testAction() { $data = array( 'result' => true, 'data' => array() ) return $this->getResponse()->setContent(Json::encode($data)); } }