Jqgrid show totals in the footer plugin
This plug-in automatically calculates sum of the all numeric rows in your grid and displays it in the new "Totals" row at the bottom of the grid. jqgrid 4.3.2+ is required. (function($) { $.jgrid.extend({ showTotals: function(options) { var o = $.extend({ total: "Totals", totalRow: undefined, includeRows: [] }, options || {}) return this.each(function() { if (!this.grid) { return; } var self = this; var showTotals = function() { var totals = {}; $.each(self.p.colModel, function(index, data) { if (o.totalRow && o.totalRow == data.index) { totals[data.index] = o.total; } else { var sum = NaN; if (...